Online Assessment Resources

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Guides and Whitepapers on Online Assessment

Female exam candidate using online assessment to sit exam on a laptop

A 5-Step Guide to Online Examinations

A practical guide to running successful online examinations, including tips to get up and running quickly, easily and successfully.

Desk and chair with book

Free E-Book: Examining the Experts in Assessment

This eBook brings together a wealth of assessment knowledge and insights from seven experts in the field of assessment.

A woman using a laptop doing remote proctoring at a desk with a lamp.

Free E-Book: A Guide to Remote Proctoring

This eBook covers all you need to know about Remote Proctoring / Invigilation, including a comparison of the different technology approaches available.

Online Assessment Videos and Webinars

Free Webinar

The Royal College of Physicians & TestReach

This video shares the story of RCPI’s move to online assessment, explains in what ways TestReach meets the requirements for high-stakes online examinations, and gives insights into the exam experience from the candidate point-of-view.

Free Webinar

Webinar: The Power of Global Online Assessment and Quality Remote Proctoring

Running exams worldwide presents unique challenges and opportunities for awarding organisations. This webinar features The Nautical Institute and IGP&I discussing their qualification strategies and how they have accommodated the challenge of remote locations while maintaining security, stability and quality.

Free Webinar

Webinar: On-Demand Remote Proctoring

Featuring the Joint Industry Board for Plumbing & Mechanical Engineering and Assist Knowledge Development, our panel share lots of valuable insights and practical tips on how to use on-demand remote proctoring, to give a positive and flexible candidate experience, whilst maintaining test integrity.

Louella Morton, TestReach

Webinar: Unlocking Student Success

The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) deliver over 100,000 assessments every year. This webinar features Kirsty Parkinson, Assessment Development Manager with CIPS, who presents her Master’s research into how student perceptions of fairness and validity impact outcomes in global education.

Free Webinar

Webinar: Driving Change in Assessment whilst Minimising Risk

Featuring the Pensions Management Institute and the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council, listen to this webinar to learn how these organisations transitioned successfully to new online assessment processes, improving the exam experience for both administrators and candidates.

Interview with CEO and Co-founders

Webinar: Implementing Strategic Change at Scale in Global Medical Assessment

Watch this webinar to hear a stellar panel from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Faculty of Dentistry at the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland discuss the move to online assessment, current trends and strategy for the future.

Qualification & Assessment Strategies to Boost Membership

Webinar: Qualification & Assessment Strategies to Boost Membership

Featuring The Chair of Memberwise, the Pensions Management Institute and BCS The Chartered Institute for IT, listen to this webinar to learn some great insights into designing strategies to boost membership engagement, development and association profitability.

Interview with CEO and Co-founders

Video Interview with Co-Founders and Co-CEOs

This video interview with TestReach Co-Founders gives an insight into their backgrounds, the origin of TestReach and some of the reasons for the company’s success.

Free Webinar

Webinar: Taking Online Assessment to the Next Level

Featuring leading awarding bodies including The Insurance Institute of Ireland and Keelson Marine Assurance, this webinar looks at how online assessment is developing in the future and smart ways to maximise the benefits of the technology.

Teresa Jacobs, Institute of Directors

Webinar: The Future of the Exam Candidate Experience

Featuring leading awarding bodies such as the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply and the Institute of Banking, this webinar addresses the future of the exam candidate experience and what can be done to ensure quality and adaptability in exam delivery.

                        Captain John Lloyd, Nautical Institute

The Nautical Institute & TestReach

Featuring the CEO & Accreditation Specialist of The Nautical Institute, discover how they automated delivery of their worldwide exams.

Teresa Jacobs, Institute of Directors

Paper Has Gone! Featuring The Institute of Directors

This video interview with the Institute of Directors gives their first-hand experience of the overall benefits of switching to online assessment.

Louella Morton, TestReach

Interview with TestReach & The Institute of Directors

This video interview with TestReach and Teresa Jacobs from The Institute of Directors gives you an overview of our solution.


People doing handshake at awarding organisation

Datasheet for Associations

If you’d like online assessment resources for associations and membership bodies, plus details on features and benefits of TestReach, download our datasheet here.

Associations and TestReach

Datasheet for Corporations

If you’d like information about online assessment for corporations and more details on features and benefits of TestReach, download our datasheet here.

Library of Educational Institute running online exams

Datasheet for Educational Bodies

If you’d like information about online assessment for educational bodies and more details on features and benefits of TestReach, download our datasheet here.

Job candidates waiting for recruitment screening

Datasheet for Recruitment Screening

If you’d like information about online assessment for recruitment screening and more details on features and benefits of TestReach, download our datasheet here.

Awarding bodies

Datasheet for Awarding Bodies

If you’d like information about online assessment for awarding bodies and more details on features and benefits of TestReach, download our datasheet here.

Further Information

Woman in business attire presenting at a training event

Guide to Measuring Training Effectiveness

This guide shows how online assessment can work in conjunction with the Kirkpatrick model of measuring training effectiveness.

Read our e-assessment case studies

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