Flexible Online Assessment Solution for Managing EPAs
Multi-media question options with video and audio
Formative assessment with clear candidate feedback
Manage live observational assessments online
Apprenticeship Assessment Today
Regular changes to apprenticeship standards and assessment requirements can make the process of managing the apprenticeship journey hard to navigate. One of the biggest recent changes is that training providers cannot now deliver both the training and provide the learner’s end point assessment. Awarding organisations are now chosen by an employer or training provider to cover the end point assessment process.
With TestReach, we can help remove the headache of managing multiple types of assessment that are required as part of end-point assessments (EPAs) for apprenticeship standards.
TestReach Assessment for Apprenticeship EPAs (End-Point-Assessments)
TestReach includes a wide range of exam delivery options, so the solution has the flexibility you need to manage any type of assessment that may be required at any stage in the apprenticeship’s course.
At the end of the course, summative exams can be delivered online in a test centre or using our integral and secure remote invigilation. Our wide variety of question types means you can provide any type of auto-scored question as well as many long-form answers, like diagrams, graphs, spreadsheets, case studies and more.
TestReach is designed to facilitate easy management of assignments. Students can upload any type of assignment, including video and audio options. These assignments can then be automatically directed to the correct markers or multiple markers to be reviewed. Our online marking module has full marking functionality including standardised papers and double-blind marking.
If you need to run quick tests throughout the course to check progress, these can be run easily on TestReach at any time. After submission, these can be auto-scored or routed for manual marking, and clear candidate feedback provided. Areas of strength and areas requiring attention are given for the candidate to reflect on, to help their ongoing learning process.
Many apprenticeship assessments require an examiner to observe the apprentice completing tasks and mark them as they work. Using TestReach on an tablet simplifies the capturing of data during this type of examination. The examiner can enter ratings immediately into TestReach, and add comments, and it is all stored securely in the cloud. Clear reporting and analytics make it easy to provide clear feedback to candidates.
TestReach has a wide range of question types and can manage different multi-media formats. Our customers find this very useful for apprenticeships, because the variety of types of apprenticeship learning often requires different types of questions as well as video, interview and audio options. An apprentice working in personal training or carpentry for example, can upload a video of them completing a workplace project for assessment and feedback.
If you are running a high-stakes end of course assessment, using remote invigilation means that your apprentices can sit their exam with security and integrity from their home or place of work, without having to travel to a test centre. This also reduces the administrative burden of finding a test centre and an in-person invigilator. TestReach remote invigilation is unique as the invigilation service is an integral part of the application, using TestReach trained invigilators.
Benefits to the Awarding Organisation
The benefit of using TestReach for your end-point-assessments is that you have a full range of question authoring, test assembly, exam delivery, marking, moderation and reporting tools, all in one secure cloud-based solution. So no matter what types of apprentice standards you are running, or how many you are likely to run in the future, TestReach will have an exam type and delivery that will suit your requirements. This flexibility is key to helping our customers manage the demands of delivering multiple EPAs in many different environments.
Working with Leaders in Assessment