What makes TestReach different?
At TestReach, we challenge the way things “have always been done” to determine how best they “can be done”. To ensure true test integrity, our remote proctoring is human-led and delivered live in real-time. TestReach is the only cloud-based assessment tool that incorporates live remote proctoring and exam creation and management within one single end-to-end application.
Our Proctors are Our People
Our proctors are TestReach employees. They are recruited, trained, assessed and monitored by us, especially in areas such as data protection and unconscious bias. Because our proctors work for TestReach, they understand the underlying software and can provide a seamless service.
Our all-in-one approach ensures a robust, secure and scalable exam delivery, at any location worldwide.

TestReach: Transforming Remote Proctoring Delivery since 2014
100% Reliable Exam Delivery
With TestReach exams are delivered in a secure ‘wrapped browser’ application that ensures a seamless journey for candidates to enter their exam and connect to their TestReach proctor. This also smooths the impact of internet fluctuations for a positive candidate experience. Our exam completion rate is unmatched at 99.7%.
Highly-Rated Helpdesk
Our award-winning helpdesk can be easily contacted via phone, email or a ChatBot within the application and 98% of our candidates rate our support as “excellent”.

Reduce Risk of Browser-Based Delivery
During the exam, data is being saved continuously to our AWS server from the application, eliminating the risk of accidentally closing an exam running in a browser window with loss of exam information.
Secure Computer Lockdown
Secure computer lockdown can be switched on to prevent attempts to cheat via other browser windows, applications, AI tools or other external technology.
Cloud-Based Hosting
TestReach is hosted on Amazon Web Services within the EU, with a guaranteed uptime of no less than 99.95%.
The Remote Proctoring Process
Your candidates are our responsibility. We ensure a seamless and secure experience from exam enrolment to reporting.
Candidate Preparation
We ensure candidates are well prepared with advance information via emails, candidate videos and FAQs, as well as access to a test tutorial to familiarise themselves with the exam interface. This reassures candidates and helps them feel ready to take their exam.
Exam Pre-Checks
System checks are run in advance of the exam to ensure that the candidate's technical environment is all set to support a remotely proctored exam. A standard laptop or desktop connected to the internet is sufficient.
Candidate Authentication
At exam time, we verify that the correct person has presented to sit the exam.
Securing the Environment
We ensure that the candidate is in a suitable environment in which to take the exam, without access to information sources that are not permitted.
Candidate Supervision
Our proctors watch the candidate for the duration of the exam to ensure there are no infringements of the rules. The session is recorded in case future review is required.
We notify the examining body of any issues that arise during the exam, for example, if a student breaks the exam rules.
Candidate Support
Our award-winning helpdesk are on-hand and easily contacted if candidates need any assistance.
TestReach remote proctoring contributes to a reduction of 150,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, through less printing, shipment and travel.
Trusted for High-Stakes Exam Delivery
TestReach is relied upon by leading assessment providers who run the most high-stakes accredited examinations. We deliver 4 million exams in over 150 countries worldwide every year. Awarding bodies, professional associations, medical colleges, educational institutes and government agencies use TestReach for professional and truly secure exam delivery.

Stable, Secure, Scalable, Supported
Interested to learn more? Now matter how big or small your needs, get in touch with the sales team at TestReach at sales@testreach.com or contact us here.
More Useful Reading on Proctoring
E-Book on Remote Proctoring – download here.
The benefits of remote proctoring – Read more here.
Blog: The reasons why organisations switch to remote proctoring exam delivery. Read here.
Blog: Some facts about online exams and how they work differently to in-person exams. Read here.
Blog: Why remote proctoring is becoming mainstream. Read here.